
Our One Card Story

One ScholarChip Smart ID Card…



…does everything you need to improve operations and safety.



Use the card for building attendance and know who is present and who is absent in real time.



Use the card for classroom attendance for fast, accurate data that complies with state mandates.



Use the card for staff attendance to automate time clock accounting for accurate, real-time payroll.



Use the card with smart phones and tablets and go mobile.



Use the card for mobile hall monitoring and automatically create discipline events.



With the SALA App, staff members can track student ID cards in a non-classroom location like the nurse’s office.



Use the card to open doors; lock them down with a quick click from the Management Site.



Use the card to buy lunch and save free and reduced lunch students from lunch-shaming.



Use the card for bus attendance and know where your students are.



A true one card solution.