
10 Benefits to Having a Student Behavior Management Plan in Place

Schools are experiencing an increase in the number of behavioral issues reported and dealt with. In our current climate, the increase in classroom outbursts, defiant behavior, delinquency, and chronic absenteeism can leave a negative impression on students, parents, and the community.

Today’s teachers and administrators understand that the majority of students with behavioral problems in school are not necessarily bad kids. Instead, there are various reasons a student might display abnormal or aggressive behavior in a school environment. Root causes include trouble at home, being bullied, health or mental health issues, and even academic performance anxiety.

If a student doesn’t know what is expected of them or what the consequences of their actions might be, there is an increased chance they will unknowingly misbehave in the classroom. Having a behavior management plan in place can improve the school environment and reduce student issues.

Behavior management plans offer benefits across the scholastic spectrum, including students, teachers, and the school as a whole.

10 Benefits of Student Behavior Management

A defined behavior management plan can drive better classroom outcomes and increase feelings of safety, security, and trust in a number of ways. Here are 10 of the top benefits of creating a plan.

1. A Plan Sets Expectations

When a behavior plan is developed and shared with the students and their parents, everyone is on the same page about what is expected. Children also have a better understanding of what to expect on a daily basis, what would happen if they should act outside the bounds of accepted behaviors, and what is expected of their peers. This clear communication of expectations helps to alleviate anxiety since there are fewer unknowns.

This also sets parents up to be partners and advocates. When parents understand what is expected of their children, they can reinforce the message at home. Additionally, should a notification go home about an incident or issue, parents are already aware of the expectations and the consequences their children will face.

2. Offers a Framework for Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) creates an environment where students can practice the skills they need in life in addition to learning to read and write. These skills, such as emotional management, will help them even after their school days are over.

A behavior management plan sets the groundwork for SEL. Students understand that they must master these skills to work effectively within the classroom and with other students. They learn to monitor their own behaviors to meet the needs of the classroom and understand that there are unacceptable responses and ways to act that hurt the group dynamic.

3. Allows for Developmental Differences in Motivating Factors

Just as the curriculum for a 3rd grader is different from that of a high school senior, so are the structural needs of the age groups. Younger students are learning about what is acceptable in the group setting, and are motivated by things like recognition and grades.

Older students have more nuanced needs and motivators. High school students can be included in the creation of a behavior plan, creating an environment where they are offered some autonomy and the opportunity to practice life skills. They can also better articulate their motivating factors, allowing staff to incorporate those motivators into the plan.

4. Classrooms Become more Conducive to Learning

When a classroom is frequently interrupted and chaotic, it is challenging for anyone to do their job. Teachers have a hard time imparting lessons and end up distracted. Students have a hard time focusing on what is being taught.

Effective teachers not only understand their subjects and make hard concepts simple to understand, but they also create an atmosphere where students feel safe and respected. When a classroom is chaotic, it is impossible for an instructor to interest students in the subject and keep them on track.

5. Quickly Identify Problematic Behaviors

With a behavior management plan in place and expectations set, there is little question about when a student acts out or does not meet those expectations. There are few gray areas, and problems can be quickly identified and incidents handled. This allows the class to get back on track sooner, while also creating an opportunity for teachers and staff to identify chronic issues faster.

6. Easier to get Help for Students who Need Additional Support

Some students respond to the classroom environment and behavior expectations well. Others need additional support. These students may have needs that are not being addressed in the current environment, and as frustrating as it is for educators and peers, it’s far more frustrating for the student who doesn’t understand what they need or what is lacking in their scholastic experience.

With a behavior plan in place, students who act out frequently are easier to spot and incidents are easier to record and track. The sooner a need is identified, the sooner students can receive additional support. With alternatives and accommodations made that specifically fit the needs of the child, the student can return to being productive and a partner in their own education.

7. Tiered Plans Address the Needs of Every Student

A tiered behavior management plan ensures that every student is included and their needs are met. Tiered plans cover expectations for the entire school population, set requirements for group behaviors in classrooms, and identify appropriate actions for individual students.

A tiered approach establishes conduct no matter what part of the environment the student is in. This consistency and clarity ensure that children are secure in knowing how they should act in any situation.

8. Builds Trust and Strong Relationships

When there is no plan in place, there is also no clear set of consequences for inappropriate behaviors, and no definition around when those consequences might occur. This can lead to rules being applied unevenly, or students feeling as if they are being singled out or treated unfairly.

When a behavior management plan is established and followed, students understand that they are all being measured against the same set of rules. When those rules and consequences are applied consistently, students develop greater trust with their teachers and the staff.

9. Absenteeism and Truancy can be Handled Quickly and Consistently

Truancy and absenteeism may not seem like behavior issues. However, both of these can signal troubles with the student and can lead to acting out within the classroom or more serious consequences for the child as they grow older.

Understanding what is expected and tracking student attendance against those expectations allows a school to identify attendance problems early. School services can then be called into play to get these students back on track.

10. Appropriate Behaviors can be Recognized and Rewarded

Behavior management plans aren’t all about consequences and interventions. They can also be used to encourage and reward positive behaviors. With a positive reward system, students can motivate themselves to act appropriately and manage their behaviors.

Student behavior management plans can cover a student, a classroom, or an entire school. These plans set up the rules and make clear what is expected of students in and out of the classroom. With a defined set of expectations, it becomes easier for educators to identify students that need additional support while also giving a framework for consistent application of the rules. The result is an overall better learning environment and a safer school.

ScholarChip offers a solution called Alternative Behavior Educator (ABE). This innovative program enables counselors to identify, monitor, and improve student behavior throughout a student’s career while giving administrators and teachers powerful data-driven reports that quickly flag at-risk students, help monitor and chronicle progress, and support decision-making tasks. ​The ScholarChip system incorporates the complete spectrum of behavior and integrates student rewards, interventions, and tracking with PowerSchool®, Infinite Campus, and other popular SIS platforms.

To learn how ScholarChip can help keep your schools safer and more secure learn more about the many solutions ScholarChip provides or to get free recommendations, feel free to contact our student behavior specialists today!