Some children cannot focus to complete schoolwork. Others experience behaviors that disrupt the classroom, or who are otherwise in trouble. Their behaviors can involve defiance, arguing, hitting, kicking, cursing, or making threats. Any of these can seriously impact their education. Students who are bullying, fighting, or truant are also in need of some form of intervention. When any of these behaviors do occur, a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) is in order. A Behavior Intervention Plan will help the difficult behaviors that are standing in the way of a student’s academic success.
Schools need a way to track all of the student’s behaviors and lack of attendance. They can capitalize on their Student Information System (SIS) to create a Behavioral Intervention Plan for those students.
Your Student Information System (SIS) and Its Benefits
When student information is stored manually, it will take teachers and administrators large amounts of time to access the information they need. If information is required, it’s often stored in seas of paper.
The Student Information System is modular software that acts as a repository for all student data, capturing information about your students from their enrollment to graduation, enabling educators and administrators the ability to extract data for any reason.
When a Student Information System (SIS) is available, all of the students’ information can be entered into the software. It provides in-depth insights into how children are doing across the board, enabling teachers and administrators to leverage its real-time visibility with updates into how a student is performing in all their academics, if there are any behavioral issues, and how well they’re attending school.
When discipline becomes an issue, an SIS can enable teachers to identify which students are the most frequent offenders and make referrals and interventions before behaviors get out of hand. It can also report and track bullies, victims, and bystanders.
An SIS works to enable faster and more efficient attendance recording. Teachers are able to record accurate attendance: All they need to do is click on a student’s profile to access the attendance information that’s needed and check absences or any late students. There’s no longer the need to keep roll books and send absence slips to the main office for further paper reporting back to teachers.
SIS software is not only valuable for administrators in terms of reporting, but it will also offer parent portals and communication channels between parents and teachers regarding student behavior interventions and negative attendance histories. The SIS also sends out automatic calls to parents and guardians when a student is absent.
The information involving the behavior interventions and truancy problems will enable the creation of a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP).
The SIS can also integrate with specific software tools that can support the development of a behavior intervention plan.
Behavior Intervention Plans for Disruptive or Truant Students
Today’s schools are experiencing an increase in the number of behavioral issues reported. In this negative climate, schools are seeing more and more problems with defiant behaviors, classroom outbursts, threats, bullying, delinquency, truancy, and even more behaviors than ever before. These issues greatly impact classmates, schools, teachers, parents, and the community.
For those teachers dealing with disruptive students, they’re not spending time on doing what they do best: teaching. Students are unable to reach their full academic potential when time is spent more on discipline and not enough in quality instruction. Truant students are also a serious concern as they lose valuable learning time, setting themselves up for academic failure and the potential for long-term problems as adults, including run-ins with the law.
When behaviors need to be addressed, a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) is very much in order. The SIS can be used to create a successful BIP.
Schools Capitalizing on Their Student Information System (SIS)
Every time a teacher records information on a student’s behavior or being absent from class, these are entered directly into the SIS. They can now work with technology that not only makes student referrals, but launches interventions.
ScholarChip has an integrated technology-based platform known as Alternative Behavior Educator (ABE). This innovative behavior management program enables teachers to identify, modify, monitor, and improve student behavior throughout an at-risk student’s career. When teachers enter referrals for behaviors or repeated absences, interventions are made and integrated with the SIS. These interventions specifically address measurable, clearly-stated target behavior(s) in line with the formation of the BIP, especially when ABE works in connection with the SIS’s Single Sign-On (SSO) to simplify behavior and attendance tracking.
Attendance from integrated identification software
Since student attendance plays a significant role in a child’s success or failure in school, an integrated software platform can address this through the use of identification cards.
ScholarChip has an identification card known as One Card. ScholarChip’s system starts with all students absent. As they tap in at the school entrance, they’re marked present. Teachers and administrators receive real-time data that’s extremely accurate, easy to report, and audit-ready. Information is integrated into the SIS for use when a student absence becomes a problem and requires intervention. Truancy and cut rates are decreased.
The ScholarChip system incorporates the complete spectrum of behaviors and integrates student rewards, interventions, and tracking with PowerSchool®, Infinite Campus, and other popular SIS platforms.
Behavior Plan Intervention Success
It’s crucial to address student behaviors through having a Behavior Intervention Plan in place. When integrated with your SIS student data through the use of ScholarChip’s ABE and One Card, you’ll be able to easily create BIPs for those at-risk students.
To learn more about how you can capitalize on your school’s SIS to create a Behavior Intervention Plan, schedule a 1-on-1 walkthrough with one of our specialists today!
ScholarChip is an all-in-one platform solution that helps schools proactively address student behavioral challenges, student safety, and chronic absenteeism, so they can prevent school violence before it happens. To learn more about the many solutions ScholarChip provides, or to get free recommendations, feel free to request a 1-on-1 call with one of our school violence prevention experts here.