ACT 44 is making $52.5 million in School Safety funding available to Pennsylvania schools.
The people of Pennsylvania are in support of policies aimed at preventing school violence, drafting emergency response plans, and requiring background clearances for people who enter school buildings as well as implementing comprehensive security measures in every school.
School Safety and Security Committee guidance will validate evidence-based strategies, but also provide schools with flexibility to fund programs that meet their local needs.
Every school in PA should understand which safety services are ACT 44 funded…
School Safety and Security Grant funds are now available to all PA schools in 2019 but to receive full funding you’ll need to consider:
1) Properly managing all visitors entering the building.
2) Address social and emotional behavior issues.
3) Improve student accountability and securing door access.
PSEA encouraged members to share their ideas to make our public schools safe from violence in the aftermath of the tragic school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Many of your ideas were used to put School Safety Act 44 into law.
School Safety and Security Committee is tasked with developing the criteria schools are to use in performing school safety and security assessments, to measure school safety and security preparedness, and to administer grants. The Committee will consider all applications.
To better understand its requirements, an overview of the key elements of the Act has been developed and provided in the Overview of Act 44 (pdf).
Which school safety services are in line with Committee criteria: visitor management, student behavior management, student accountability and secure door access management.
Our modular approach lets you implement what you need today with an eye on what you’ll need in the future. Contact us today to learn how we can help you meet and exceed your dual factor attendance goals.
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